Gianfranco Zola Replace Alan Curbishley As West Ham's Manager

Zola nih sbg player mmg superb la masa main utk chelsea dulu..tapi as manager tak sure la pulak ..but epl this year must be very interesting..byk changes

Gianfranco Zola has revealed the footballing philosophy he intends to implement at West Ham United, one he hopes will win over any lingering doubts the club's supporters have that about his long-time allegiance to Chelsea

The Italian reached an agreement in principal last night to replace Alan Curbishley as manager and is likely to arrive in London this evening to complete the formalities of his contract. The former Chelsea forward, who is expected to be presented to the media tomorrow, may be a controversial appointment in some quarters, but he is already promising football that "will put smiles on faces".

The 42-year-old is likely to arrive in London this evening to complete the formalities of his contract and although he is likely to encounter resistance to his appointment from some sections of the club's support, Zola has reassured supporters that his past loyalties to Chelsea mean nothing.


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