What If You Have USD89 Billion For Five Hours?

When Paul Fischer checked his bank account Friday night, he had a happy surprise. His balance had exploded to $88,888,888,888.88. A very lucky number indeed, and close to $89 billion.

Of course, the balance was a technical error by SunTrust Bank (NYSE: STI - News), which quickly fixed the problem. It also may have occurred in other accounts.

"You say, 'Eighty-eight billion, what can I do with that?'" said Mr. Fischer, who owns a jewelry concessionaire for Florida theme parks. "Maybe a handful of us could have brought down SunTrust Bank."

Mr. Fischer had other ideas as well. Before the problem was fixed, he asked a SunTrust rep if he could move the money to an interest-bearing account until it was reclaimed and donate the interest to charity. Total interest: more than $7.3 million.

The bank said no.

The money was stripped out of his account by Saturday morning.

"It's all gone. I'm poor again," he said. "I was a billionaire for five hours."

This kind of bank error happens frequently. But Mr. Fischer raises an interesting question: What if, for five hours, you truly did have $89 billion?

What would you do with the money? The ground rules are that you would have to give the money back — and whatever you bought or invested with it — after five hours.

kalau lebih sehari boleh jugak invest overnight ...boleh dapat USD 244k tuu..convert into ringgit dah lebih kurang rm800k..boleh beli banglo sebijik hehe


Bb Hussain said...

tak pernah plak bank tersilap masuk account..hehe..

meo188 said...

kawin 4 kalau ade duit byk tue :D

zamz said...

bb kalau silap byk tu sure tak berani pun nak ambik kan..mau terkejut berhari2 hehe

zamz said...

amboi meo nak kawin 4 je ingat nya hehe..tapi sure ramai yg nak mengoffer kan diri kan hehe

papabear said...

apsal account aku kalau silap always jadi kurang bukan jadi lebih banyak isk isk isk...

hans said...

wah,kalau betul memang best

Zamz said...

haha papabear bank kat msia ni terer sikit, kalau nak silap pun in their favour hehe

Zamz said...

hans..mcm dlm mimpi je kalau jadi pun

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